Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Birthday in the Park

Ok - so it only took me a month to post this...Come On! Give a girl a break. I've been busy.

Ross, Connor, Kate and I had a wonderful visit to Alabama for Easter. We had so much fun seeing the whole family.

There are so many babies now (4 under the age of 2). It's amazing how fast this family has grown in the past few years. Here are a few pictures from Connor's birthday in the park. Special thanks to Ivy for throwing a fantastic park party. We all had a blast.

Hey Aunt Ivy, Is this necklace made of Chocolate?

Kate, did you know that you're drooling on the mayor of Andalusia, AL? Uncle Earl makes the best baby holder.

Yea, birthday cupcake!

Cousins Ella Grace, Maddie and Lauren Ann - aren't they the cutest!!

These cousins will be TROUBLE one day. Kate - if you try really hard, you might have cute spikey hair like Samantha.

Samantha enjoying her cupcake.