Saturday, April 16, 2011


These days, it's been difficult to get good pictures of Connor and Kate. They're usually running wildly through the house and despite my best attempts one or the other has food on their face or shirt. However, I was able to snap a few cute pictures and wanted to share them here.

My Little Cowgirl...ballerina...ok, I'm confused?!?!?

Sweet Kate

My Handsome Little Man

Connor showing off his birthday present!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Little Nibbles #5

1. Kate calls Connor - "nonnor".  The other day she opened the drawer where we keep the bibs, pulled one out and started chasing him around the house trying to put it on him. She kept running after him saying "nonnor", "nonnor".

2. Connor is learning how to share with his pesky little sister. He still gets so upset when she steals his favorite toys, but he's getting better at asking her to share.

3. Kate has learned how to say "No!" Now every question is met with only one answer - NO!
Me: "Kate, are you hungry?"
Kate: "No"
Me: "Do you love Mommy?"
Kate: "No"
Me: "Kate, do you really think you'll end up needing your college fund?"
Kate: "No"
Me: "Good, then you won't mind if Mommy goes on a shopping spree with it, right?

We're Baaaacccckkkk!

It's been months since I've given this blog any attention. Instead of apologizing and listing the 101 reasons why I haven't posted anything new - I think the best approach is to tell you about all of the exciting things that we've been up to in the past few months.

The kids are growing fast and they're keeping us so busy. Who am I kidding - they are in complete control. We try to keep up but each night when we put the kids to bed, Ross and I fall into a vegetated state caused by extreme exhaustion. After 8:00 our conversation resembles that of neanderthals with a series of grunts and gestures.

Connor and Kate are growing fast. They learn quickly from each other - so when one has a new found skill  then it's not long before they are both doing it.  Connor is still closing the gap on some of his developmental delays and Kate is extremely advanced for her age group. So for the most part - they meet in the middle.

Connor is speaking more and more each day. He knows his shapes, colors and can count to five on his own. He's starting to read more now. Instead of reading single words printed on flash cards - he's moved to reading short sentences in some of this favorite books.

Kate has the most acute fine-motor skills of any 16 month old I've ever seen. She's eating with a fork and spoon. She's completing puzzles, holding a crayon between her thumb and fore-finger and is an iPhone expert (and addict).

Thanks to the mild Denver weather, both kids play outside any chance they can get. On top of that, we try to find a new family activity each weekend. We've been to the children's museum, aquarium, zoo, indoor play gym, sledding, hiking, swimming and flying kites. You name it, we've done it.

Here are a few pictures of our many adventures.

Kate trying on the hat that her BeBe sent.

Connor's Birthday at the Denver Aquarium. Why does he need a bib? You'll see...

Yum, Yum!!!!

Birthday at the Denver Aquarium!!!

Fun at "Monkey Business" indoor play gym.

My little monkey.

Such a big smile for a little girl.

Sweet Boy!