When Connor was born, I spent the majority of the day running errands, doing housework and even managed to meet my friend Teresa for a late lunch at Chuy's. I knew that I wasn't feeling great that day, but I had no idea that I was in labor. Around 2:00 in the afternoon, I phoned my friend Jenifer and described my symptoms to her. Since Jenifer has two sweet kiddo's of her own, she listened intently and then ended our conversation with "I think your going to have this baby in the next day or two". After that I called Ross to see if it was feasible for him to come home early from work. He told me that he had a few more things to finish up, but said he'd hurry. He also asked me to call the doctor just as a precaution.
Ross finally made it home around 3:30 and we loaded up the car and headed to the doctors office. Still thinking that we'd have hours before the baby's arrival, the doctor asked us to go over to the hospital for monitoring. Since my doctor wasn't on-call that day, she told me that I could likely wait until my doctor arrived the next day to deliver. Connor however, had other plans.
We were admitted into the hospital at 5:00pm and Connor arrived less than 3 hours later. When we showed up at the hospital the nurses told us that it was already shaping up to be a busy night. They said that triage was full and that they were sending me straight to a delivery room. Little did any of us know that of all the women in the labor and delivery unit, I would be the last to arrive and the first to deliver. Everything was happening so quickly and the nurses were flying in and out of the room as they prepared for Connor's delivery. I began pushing only 20 min after the epidural was administered and after pushing through just three contractions the doctor announced that we had given birth to a baby boy!!
It's true what people say about falling in love so instantly. The moment I looked into Connor's little face, I could feel my heart just melt away. Even at 19 days old, he already has me wrapped around his finger. The thing I can't yet figure out is how I can spend an entire day sitting on the couch with him in my arms. The hours just melt away as I stare at my precious little man while his sleeps so peacefully. Being a mother is the coolest experience I've ever had and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

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