Since Ross is feeling like “chopped liver” right now, this is my feeble attempt to share some of the lime-light with him. Here’s what Ross has been up to lately…
--> Ross has started working out each night to P90X. Usually, I crawl in bed around 9 (early I know – but there’s a reason) and that’s when he puts on his workout clothes and gets “extreme”. I would no doubt be crying like a baby if I did these workouts. They are amazingly difficult and he’s seeing the results of his hard work after only a few weeks. Ross looks amazing! His clothes are falling off of him now and he has so much more energy (especially when compared to me – sigh). Way to go honey! You’re “extremely” awesome!!
--> When Ross and I took Connor to Christus Santa Rosa hospital for his surgery the swine flu was on the rise and people were sick with panic. We’re generally laid back about this kind of thing and other than staying informed; we were taking the normal precautions. However, when we arrived at Santa Rosa it didn’t take long to realize that we were greatly out-numbered in ethnicity (big surprise – considering it was downtown SA). And when one family after another kept walking into the waiting room bringing with them aunt, uncles, cousin, etc., Ross started turning into a full fledged germ-aphobe. At one point we were outnumbered – 25 to 3 (Connor's counted in the 3). I could see Ross eying the exits incase someone sneezed and he had to make a break for it. When they handed out a SA newspaper with the headline reading, “Confirmed case of swine flu in San Antonio”, I thought he’d reached his breaking point. Of course, I was laughing my ass off the whole time.
--> I supposedly “punched” (more like back-handed slapped) Ross in the face last night while I was sleeping (since I was asleep – he can’t get mad at me…right? – we’ll see). Apparently the force was so great that he woke up with two black-eyes. Although I can barely tell, his boss asked him first thing this morning if he’d been in a fight. Oops! Before you feel completely sorry for him – he once elbowed me in the head while he was asleep. He woke up at the point his elbow made contact with my forehead.
All joking aside, the real reason that Ross is feeling underappreciated is because society doesn’t give exceptional father’s the credit they deserve. When Connor was in post-op, the nurse came out to get mommy (not dad). Moms are generally seen as the care-givers, but not in our household. Ross cares for Connor as well – if not better- than I ever could. He helps every night by giving Connor a bath, or feeding him dinner. And he helps every morning by getting him dressed for school.
Ross and I came from families where our parents divorced when we were very young. To make it worse, we both grew up with father’s who abandoned us during our childhood. I know its Ross’s goal to let this scenario die with our generation. It’s very important to him that Connor understands that he has a loving father who genuinely cares for him and who is taking an active role in his life. Now that doesn’t sound like chopped-liver – does it?