For one reason of another, he's struggled with eating since day one. As a matter of fact, we've been bottle feeding him for a while now just so we could keep close tabs on his intake. For one reason or another, he doesn't seem to be motivated by food and he get's very upset if you try to offer him more food than he wants. However, Ross and I thought we were gaining ground in this department, so we were a little surprised by his weigh in.
The doctor is a little worried and asked us to start supplementing him with formula. While I wasn't entirely prepared to give up breastfeeding, I need to do what's best for Connor. For whatever reason, he's not getting everything he needs at this point. So far, he seems to like the formula and is even eating an ounce more at each feeding. We're taking him back to the doctor on Friday for an official weigh in, so we'll see if he's started packing on the ounces like he should.
Other than the weight issue, Connor's very healthy. He's been developing well and can do all the things a 3 1/2 month old should be able to do. Don't get me wrong, I don't want one of those monster babies that seem to be the norm these days. I just want to know that he's growing well and that we're giving him every opportunity. I know when he's 16 years old and 6ft tall we'll look back and laugh at this one day, but in the mean time we've got a lot of work to do.