Adam and Jana's wedding was beautiful. They did such a wonderful job with every detail and it really made for a magical night - not just for the bride and groom but for their guests as well. I think my favorite part was watching all of the older folks breaking it down on the dance floor. I also really enjoyed the special little touches that fit the bride and grooms personality - solo dances on the stage; the Cubs groom cake, etc.

It's ironic, but Ross and I felt like two little country bumpkins driving around in the big-ole city of Houston. We couldn't believe how enormous the buildings looked to us OR how massive the expressways were (10 lanes across). It's hilarious that we lived in Houston for years and yet everything seemed so foreign to us after only one year of being away.
Connor spent the weekend in Kerrville with his MiMi and Opa. They were so excited to spend some QT with they're grandson and they did a great job caring for him. My mom even told me that she has a new found respect for all that Ross and I do (work, household chores, baby duty, etc.). Babies are a full time job and she had forgotten how much work it was. Regardless, I think everyone had a good time.
Connor's at an age now where he's really fun. He spends the majority of the day smiling, cooing and playing. I'm still shocked at how quickly my little man is growing up before my eyes.
For the most part Connor seems to have adjusted well to day care. His teachers are very sweet and are incredibly knowledgeable. I feel confident that they'll take good care of him. There are 8 babies in his room and only one is younger than he is. Most of the babies are 7 months or older and will be graduating soon to the next level. Don't get me wrong - it's still incredibly hard to drop him off each day but as daycares go, I think we found one of the best.
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