Monday, July 7, 2008

Skunk you!!

Well the McKinnon family is three for four with skunk encounters. In recent weeks, Morgan and Tanner were sprayed twice at my parent’s ranch. The first was a direct hit which occurred as they ran into the horse barn with my mom's dog Haley. All three dogs learned a valuable lesson that night. Several hours later after four home remedies and a trip to the grooming salon, they finally smelled decent enough to let back into the house. Not long after that (back at the ranch) they took another hit - this time they were only "misted" but still stunk to high heaven.

Then last night our cat Gracie took a direct hit in the face. Gracie's got a bad habit of trying to be the toughest cat on the block and is intent on defending her territory. There's no doubt that she provoked this black "cat" with a white stripe down it's back.

Either way, Ross found her in the back yard foaming at the mouth with her eyes swollen shut. My sweet husband is such a trooper, b/c at midnight last night he rushed Gracie to the emergency animal vet. The vet flushed her eyes and checked her cornea's for damage caused by a potential chemical burn. Several hours and $150 later they returned home and the de-skunking began. For the record - tomato juice does not de-skunk an animal. The best combination (and even this doesn't work 100%) is hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and Dawn liquid detergent.

Now poor Ross, working on only three hours of sleep has to make it through a full day of work. To make things worse, most of his co-workers are out on vacation or on family leave. So my sweet sleep deprived husband is left to cover for his team. If there was anything I could do to help him - I would. At least he can rest assured that dinner and a cold beer will be ready and waiting when he get's home.

BTW - Elvis is the only one of our four animals who hasn't yet had the pleasure of meeting a skunk face-to-face. Let's hope he'll learn from his fellow animal friends and stay far, far away.

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