Friday, December 19, 2008

All I want for Christmas…

Is my two front teeth...

Connor will definitely not be singing that song for Christmas this year (regardless of the fact that he hasn’t learned to talk yet, much less sing). The point I’m trying to make is that not only does Connor already have his two front teeth; he also has four on the bottom and two more coming in on the top. That makes 8 teeth already!!

As everyone knows, I’m extremely competitive so this next comment shouldn’t surprise any of you. Out of all the kids in Connor’s daycare class – he has the most teeth (and the most hair). :) So regardless of the fact that he’s still a little peanut in the size and weight category, he’s excelling in the art of teething and hair growing – and those are the things that really matter. HAHA!

Like everyone that gets a new “toy”, Connor can’t wait to try out his new chompers. Since he still hasn’t gotten excited about solid food, he chooses to sharpen his pearly whites on my arm. Yup, my son’s a biter. He typically sucks me in by acting like he wants to snuggle his face in my arm and then before you know it - YEEEOWWW!

Which brings me to my next topic – discipline. Disciplining a 8.5 month old is difficult – if not impossible. Regardless, we’re finding subtle ways to help him understand that biting is bad. Part of the problem is that he’s still teething and his mouth is uncomfortable – still I have visions of sitting in a parent teacher conference years from now trying to explain why my son bit another kid in class. Ugh! Hopefully it won’t come down to that.

In a related story, Ross also used to be a biter. As one of his groomsmen so kindly shared during his speech at our wedding (in front of the minister –mind you), Ross got in trouble once for biting a black girl. When his mom asked him why he did it, Ross’s response was, “I wanted to see if she tasted like chocolate”. OMG!


Anonymous said...

Well, if it makes you feel better, Brooke is just now cutting her 4 top teeth! She'll be a year on Jan 12th! She has two on the bottom that she cut a good 3 & 1/2 months ago. Kait was a VERY late teether as well (9 months for her 1sst tooth and then top teeth right around a year)! The news I keep hearing is the later they come in and are protected by the gums, the later they are exposed to cavities, so make sure you are brushing them! He needs to keep those teeth =)

Anonymous said...

Ouch! Lainey was a biter early on ... it's tough! It's the main reason I stopped nursing her when I did!

Maggie said...

Been here and done it! Time out started quite early for us. Also, if it does continue, get the "Teeth Are Not For Biting" book. It worked miracles (I have posted many of blogs on this subject and I HAVE been called into the office b/c A bit 10x in 1 day)!! If it gets down to that, you can call me and I will not judge!! :-)