I've been terrible about updating the blog this year. Honestly, I just don't have the energy right now. Work has been out of control and we've all been fighting one cold after another. God, I love daycare - also known as - the $200 a week petri dish.
On to other things...Connor's been changing so much. He's growing like a weed and his little personality is coming out more and more each day.
Until I find time write more, these pictures will have to do.

Ok, the pictures do and do GREAT!!! He is so stinking cute! How can we arrange a marraige between he and Brooke? Seriously? This may be the ONLY way I can hope for blue eyes and blonde hair!! I know, it's not guaranteed and I have to do the whole dominant and recessive gene thing but come on man, can't I get a kid with blonde hair..haha!
I just laughed out loud about the petri dish comment b/c it's so true the amount of money we give them so keep our kids sick! Oh Leia...he IS SO cute! Gotta love those baby blues!
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