Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Time to call CPS

Since it was father's day, I didn't yell at Ross too much for this one. However, when CPS comes knocking at my door, I'll know why.

Where do beer and cheetos fall in the food pyramid anyway? Wheat and dairy?

Saturday, June 13, 2009

This apple doesn't fall far from the tree

Unlike Ross, Connor likes to help with the dishes. It didn't surprise me to find him in the dishwasher. Especially since my mom has some photos of me at this age doing the exact same thing.

Little Gym

We took Connor to Little Gym this morning. Before you get the wrong impression - it's not technically gymnastics. At Connor's age it's more about learning balance and other skills that he can apply to his physical development and later to sports and the occasional field sobriety test. He had a blast and really seemed to enjoy the challenge.

Waiting to go inside. Let me in - let me in!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The "membership" we never expected to receive

In November, Ross and I will be welcomed into the "two under two" club. This particular club isn't like the Junior League, or Alcoholics Anonymous (although it could easily drive you to drink). There aren't weekly meetings, membership dues, or officer elections. This club involves signing away life as you know it and embracing chaos with open arms.

Don't get me wrong, we're excited about the new baby, but we're also still working off the shock of it all. I'll tell you the same thing I told my doctor when he broke the news to me. "Never-ever in my wildest dreams did I expect to have a baby in 2008 and another one in 2009. That's just not natural".

You should know by now that Ross and I aren't typical parents. So, instead of designing a nursery, we're busy creating an NFL style playbook of parenting tips. We've also decided to move all of our valuables into storage and accept the fact that our house will double as a "Jump Zone" for the next few years.

Ready or not, the only thing left to do is to hold on tight and enjoy the ride.

TBD McKinnon - ETA November 25th, 2009

What do you mean you prefer "them" over me?

Boys-2-Men said it best with "It's so haaard to say goodbye...". Our sweet Tanner has left us for a better place. No - I'm not talking about doggie heaven although he would probably disagree.

Several weeks ago, Ross took Tanner to the vet for his yearly check-up. The doctor put Tanner on the scale and was flabbergasted when he registered a whopping 98 lbs (he weighed only 74 lbs last year). I half expected her to have PETA protesting in the parking lot before we could paid our bill. In our defense he's a big, high energy dog. At times, I have my doubts that Richard Simmons on amphetamines could give him enough exercise. Tanner left the doctor that day with a few shots, some heart worm medicine and strict orders to lose 20 lbs ASAP.

As you can imagine, we've been a little consumed with Connor over the last year and despite our best efforts we weren't able to give Tanner the daily walks/runs that he deserves. So that's when we decided that he should spend a few weeks at the fat farm (aka my parents 50+ acre ranch in the Hill Country).

When Tanner visits the ranch he gets to perform a variety of daily jobs - like feeding the horses, riding to the highway to pick up the newspaper, and keeping an eye on the chickens. And if this weren't enough, he also gets to swim in the river anytime he wants and is my mom's personal companion on horseback rides.

I had always expected Tanner to one day pick up the phone and ask us if he could live on the ranch permanently. However, I never expected to get a call from my parents saying that they'd fallen in love with him (what's not to love?) and they wanted to "adopt" him from us. I just didn't see it coming...

It was a really hard decision for Ross and I. Tanner is a beloved family member and we weren't prepared to let him go. But reality is that he spends 8 hours a day, 5 days a week in a crate. If that weren't enough, when we are home we're busy feeding and bathing Connor or getting him ready for bed - and with baby #2 on the way our time will be even more limited. So it's with Tanner's best interests in mind that we agreed to grant my parents full custody. Luckily, he's only an hour away and we can see him anytime we want.

You're a good dog Tanner - We miss you!