Several weeks ago, Ross took Tanner to the vet for his yearly check-up. The doctor put Tanner on the scale and was flabbergasted when he registered a whopping 98 lbs (he weighed only 74 lbs last year). I half expected her to have PETA protesting in the parking lot before we could paid our bill. In our defense he's a big, high energy dog. At times, I have my doubts that Richard Simmons on amphetamines could give him enough exercise. Tanner left the doctor that day with a few shots, some heart worm medicine and strict orders to lose 20 lbs ASAP.
As you can imagine, we've been a little consumed with Connor over the last year and despite our best efforts we weren't able to give Tanner the daily walks/runs that he deserves. So that's when we decided that he should spend a few weeks at the fat farm (aka my parents 50+ acre ranch in the Hill Country).
When Tanner visits the ranch he gets to perform a variety of daily jobs - like feeding the horses, riding to the highway to pick up the newspaper, and keeping an eye on the chickens. And if this weren't enough, he also gets to swim in the river anytime he wants and is my mom's personal companion on horseback rides.
I had always expected Tanner to one day pick up the phone and ask us if he could live on the ranch permanently. However, I never expected to get a call from my parents saying that they'd fallen in love with him (what's not to love?) and they wanted to "adopt" him from us. I just didn't see it coming...
It was a really hard decision for Ross and I. Tanner is a beloved family member and we weren't prepared to let him go. But reality is that he spends 8 hours a day, 5 days a week in a crate. If that weren't enough, when we are home we're busy feeding and bathing Connor or getting him ready for bed - and with baby #2 on the way our time will be even more limited. So it's with Tanner's best interests in mind that we agreed to grant my parents full custody. Luckily, he's only an hour away and we can see him anytime we want.
You're a good dog Tanner - We miss you!
Oh Leia, I'm so sorry Tanner had to go bye-bye but what a wonderful place for him to go and you will be able to see him anytime you go for a visit!!! He is just beautiful and looks like a happy pup in the pics! You & Ross are great puppy-parents!!!
I fully understand and you have my support on this decision! I never wanted Carter to have the ending to his life the way he did but it just got to be too much to deal w/ him on top of everything else in my life. You have your hands full and if Tanner is happy, then I know you are too! I'm so excited about baby #2!!
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