Sunday, July 19, 2009

Alright already...I'm listening!!!

I learned on Friday night that I'm still the undefeated champion of the "I'm stubborn and stupid" competition. The only way I can even begin to describe what happened is to say that I had a "perfect storm" kind of week...when work, home and health collided for a disaster of epic proportions.

Without going into details, I'll just say that I was treated to an unexpected, all expense paid trip to the hospital on Friday night. At my doctors orders, they admitted me for dehydration, exhaustion and a UTI. So after 12 hours on an IV, two rounds of antibiotics and strict orders to SLOW DOWN, I was finally released with one very important lesson under my belt - I need to know when to ask for help and can not try to conquer the world while pregnant.

Luckily baby TBD is ok, Connor never knew that I was missing (thank you Mom and Grandma for taking care of him) and Ross...we'll I owe him one. Even though he got to sleep in his own bed that night (while I was chained to a hospital bed, dragging an IV pole to and from the bathroom with my *ss hanging out of my hospital gown), still he's an amazing husband who was there for me when I needed him.

I thought a lot about Ross, Connor and TBD that night in the hospital. I'm embarrassed and disappointed in myself for trying to take on too much. It was stupid and careless.


Anonymous said...

Leia Polansky McKinnon!!!! If you need someone else to fuss at you, I'm getting in line! First of all, when you are pregnant, that baby is taking EVERYTHING out of you! Sooooo, secondly, you are supposed to be taking care of you so that you can take care of the other needing children and the husband in your house. Third (and by no means does these mean I'm #3 in line) but you have friends that are counting on you to take care of YOU! Ok, so with all that fussing aside.....I'm happy that you are ok now. I'm sad to hear that you went through all of this. I'm elated that baby "TBD" is doing well. And I better NEVER hear of you going into the hospital again until you give birth. I love you poo-poo! You just made me cry =(


Leia said...

I know girl...can you believe your dear friend of all these years is that STUPID?! Thanks for the concern. I love you for it. I'll try my hardest to be a good, responsible adult from here on out (SMILE).