Entirely by accident, we discovered how a simple doctor's appointment can piss off an entire family.
Let me explain...We had our sonogram appointment today and since we didn't find out Connor's sex ahead of time, we decided that this time around we would. However, at the last minute Ross and I changed our mind. Let's just say that my mom did NOT take the news well. If I'm lucky she'll start talking to me again in a month or two.
I've really been working hard to heal emotionally from the "health issues" that we faced with Connor. So going into the appointment today I wanted to find out one thing and one thing only. I desperately needed to know that this baby was healthy. Whether it was a boy or girl didn't matter as much as knowing that it had two arms, two legs, etc. Of course, Connor was perfectly healthy on the sonogram too and it's yet to be seen if this baby will have similar feeding issues, but the sonogram really helped to put my mind at ease.
Ross on the other hand really enjoyed the experience of standing in the delivery room while the doctor holds a seconds-old baby and announces that "It's a...". For anyone who hasn't had a surprise like this before, I can only compare it to Christmas times 10x. There really is nothing like it. So with that - we made our decision and told the doctor to stay above the waist. :)
The good news is that the baby IS healthy. It's growing on time and seems to be very active. When the dust finally settles, I can only hope that our family will understand that we made this decision based on what was best for us at the time. As for my mom, she can add this to the list of awful things I've done to her in the past. Love ya MOM!
Well, I won't dis-own you! You'll always be my "PooPoo Popeye's Fried Chicken Nansky".....now I have to fit McKinnon in there somehow, hehe =)
It is a personal decision that is you and your husbands personal choice. I pray for another healthy baby to become a part of your family. Boy or girl...doesn't matter!!
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