Don't get me wrong there are still some things we're struggling with, but in general it's gotten much, much better. For example, we're still having a hard time getting Connor to eat solid foods although we're finding out that it's based more on preference than ability. For example, he'll refuse "adult" food but give him some cheetos and he'll start filling his cheeks like a chipmunk who's storing food for the winter. He's more than happy to eat cookies, pickles, strawberries, graham cracker and of course, cheetos however, offer him some hot dogs or cooked carrots and he'll lock it down tighter than Fort Knox. Oh my...
On another note, Connor's learned to read!! We've been working with flash cards to help his speech (or lack thereof) and even though we're still waiting for a major breakthrough in the speech department, he's really catching on. Ok, so before you think that I'm full of crap, here's how I know that my son can in fact - read. When we hold up a flash card that says "Wave", he'll wave...hold up a card that says "arms up" and he'll raise his arms up over his head..."ear" and he'll point to his ear, "clap" and he'll start clapping. Of course I'm completely pumped about this new breakthrough - partly because it helps to prove that Connor's just a normal kid who got off to a slow start...but also (and more importantly) because I can't wait to tell his pediatrician to "stick it" the next time she brings up potential developmental delays.
1 comment:
Girl, he is doing so well!! Honestly I read this and think, "Poor Brooke"....she makes a lot of noises and I know she gets what I'm saying (b/c she will march her butt back to put something up when I tell her or cry when I tell her no or perk that head up when I ask if she wants some milk) but she doesn't say a damn word other than Mama, Dada, Baba. And as for eating, God is she just like Connor, hates real food but loves some junk! She doesn't do strawberries or pickles, but will eat a cucumber and watermelon....SHOCKED here!! But that kid will eat Cheetos, Doritos, cookies anything labeled crap! But she won't touch a peice of cheese if it isn't breaded or fried....arghhh!!! I just hope your second little bundle will let you relax a little more and not have the upfront issues that little Connor did! Thank God Brooke loved all that breastmilk and retained the fat b/c lord knows she didn't get anything from food and all that throwing up. Is it possible that Connor and Brooke are related??? Haha!!! I'm really happy that Connor is doing so well =)
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