Sunday, May 16, 2010

Have you hugged your watusi today?

We really needed to get out of the house today. So we packed up the kids and headed to the drive-thru wildlife safari. Connor had a blast for many reasons...seeing the animals was cool, feeding them was even cooler. But driving down the road while standing in my lap and hanging his body out of the window - that was the coolest!

Before anyone even thinks about calling CPS, I had a kung-fu death grip on him and the maximum speed through the safari was 5mph. Anyway, the thought of him squealing with joy as the ground whizzed by (remember only 5mph) and the blood was rushing to his head - that is a memory that I won't soon forget.

Kate slept through most of the drive-thru safari, but she woke up just in time for lunch and the petting zoo. Here are some pictures from our little adventure.

OMG! Get me out of here before that buffalo comes any closer.

These two black and white things look like trouble.

Ross feeding the Zebra. While this was happening, Connor was busy helping himself to the zebra food. I took my eye off of him for one second and he had a mouth full...just picture green alphalfa pelets streaming out of his mouth...UGH.

Hey BK did you know that baby toes are a goats favorite meal? Yum!

Excuse me, this goat is NOT respecting my personal space.

Is he still looking at me??? CREEPY!

BK loves her daddy!

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