Aside from the doc pulling a Benedict Arnold on us, the last few months have been pretty uneventful. The baby furniture is now assembled (to the best of my ability) and we are starting to accumulate the countless items that are apparently necessary to sustain life in the 21st century (will post updated nursery pics this weekend). It's amazing how many different products and blood suckers there are out there playing on your emotions and ill informed state of mind. Should we get the 5 point harness with the parachute and life support system or would the regular burp cloth be sufficient?? Some of these companies should be ashamed of themselves but $$ is $$. There are many great products out there so if you are expecting, I suggest you Google a baby essentials list and go with that before you end up taking out a second mortgage.
As I stated earlier, we had to start with a new doctor for the last few weeks of the pregnancy. His name is Dr. Villanueva. He is a very nice man and he is much more thorough than Leia's previous physician. While he is not the stud that makes most men uncomfortable when "examining" your spouse, he actually took the time to go over the test results from our previous visits that our other doctor never mentioned unless anything was abnormal. He's very professional and I think we are both going to be happy with the unexpected change. I did forget one gripe about the old doc. Ahole forgot to hit the RECORD button on the VCR when he was performing our last ultrasound. I had to pay $10 bucks for a VHS that is full of static. Okay.. that's the last of my complaining about that guy. The new doc is great. He's like a toned down version of Richard Simmons personality wise with a Latin influence. Leia disagrees but I find him entertaining.
As for the wife, she's just lovely! I am thinking about installing a few more toilets in random locations around the house b/c I think the ones we have are spread out a little too far. It's very easy to tell if she is nearby. All you have to do is listen for the nearest toilet tank filling back up. I do feel sorry for her though b/c one should not have to #1 every 15 minutes. Cruel and unusual punishment that would drive me absolutely crazy. The other entertaining part is the bedtime ritual of pillow arranging and negotiating. Well, not so much negotiating b/c she moves me as needed if she happens to like the pillow I am using. We are up to 8 pillows, 2 golden retrievers, 2 cats and 2 people in a king size bed. While this is a large bed, it's not the most comfortable of quarters at times. Leia's pillow fortress and the 140 lbs of dog make my side of the bed equivalent to that of a submarine bunk.
Other than that, everything is status quo. Just trying to keep Leia as comfortable as possible in these last few weeks. Sleep has become tough she's getting the aches and pains everyone has told us so much about so I'm just trying to help as much as possible and keep my mouth shut as necessary.
We are going to Fredericksburg tomorrow Feb 22 so Leia can take some maternity photos. It's the same photographer that did our wedding so hopefully these turn out as good as those did.
OH, new update. While I was complaining about baby products... we need to throw Sony Corp. in there too. They MADE me buy a video camera so I'll post some video on here soon. After the photography session Friday, we are headed to the beach for a quick "Babymoon" so hopefully we will have some good opportunities down there. It will probably just be the dogs swimming in the ocean but we may do some mullet hunting or something else productive like that. You never know what you'll get on the Texas coast!
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