Our little peanut had his 6 month check up on Thursday. As you can imagine, Ross and I are now experts on the routine at the doctor's office.
It usually goes something like this...we arrive at the a little early, cough up our $25 co-pay and wait until the nurse to call us to the back. Once we're past the waiting room, we're instructed to strip Connor down so they can get naked weigh in. For all that we've been through - this is usually the moment of truth. It’s This is usually the point where I’m crossing my fingers, holding my breath and praying that he’s gained just a little bit of weight.
But this week was different. Connor surprised everyone and weighed in far better than any of us had expected! As a matter of fact, he actually gained enough to get him back on the growth chart!! The doctor was thrilled and so were we. I can't tell you how nice it feels to finally be moving in the right direction. Now we have to keep up the good work and keep hoping for the best.
Another big milestone is that Connor finally got his first tooth. He’s been working on it for quite some time, but this week it finally popped through the skin. And let me tell you, that little sucker is sharp! One down, 19 more to go…
What's up fatty?!? Haha! So just kidding! Yay yay yay for being on the charts! I am so happy for ALL of you!
It was so nice talking to you today Leia, you are an amazing mom and just get both worlds since you work and stay at home, it is really what I need right now.....to relate to someone! Thank you!
As for Con-Man, congratulations! You guys should give yourself a big pat on the back because you are doing ALL of the work, no one is doing it for you! XOXO!
He is soooo cute! Congrats on the positive numbers ;-)
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