Monday, September 29, 2008

Ross for President 2008

We left Connor with Brian and Teresa on Saturday so that we could sneak away and watch the Auburn - Tennessee game with the San Antonio AU alumni club. Little did we know when we arrived that the club was looking for some fresh meat...oh, excuse me, I mean "new officers" to get involved.

It happened so quickly that I don't even think Ross knew what hit him. At half time the "elections" began and with a unanimous vote Ross became the club's new President. HA!

So now Ross has been tasked with bringing some life back into this old club (one member actually graduated in the class of '44). If I had to guess, I’d say the median age of the group is 60+. To be honest, I think this is a great challenge for Ross. It's the perfect way for him to get involved and give back to his alma mater. I also think he’ll do an awesome job of attracting the younger crowd and connecting with the almost 300 Auburn grads living in SA.

Oh – I almost forgot to mention, I’m the new web administrator. Ugh – who’s the sucka now?

Special thanks to Brian and Teresa for watching Connor. You guys did an great job and returned him with all 10 fingers and toes. Way to go!

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