Sunday, November 16, 2008

I've been tagged

I've been tagged and have to write 6 quirky things about myself then tag 6 others.

1. I'm ADHD to the fullest extent. I can't do anything from start to finish. That's not to say that I don't start things OR I don't finish them...I do. But the order of events occurs something like this. Turn on the stove, feed the dogs, play with Connor, check the mail, realize I left the stove on, chop some veggies, put Connor down for a nap, sweep the floor, and finally finish dinner. It drives Ross insane - I love it!

2. I wear too much black and put my hair back in a pony tail all the time. I really need some friend or family to nominate me for a makeover. Ahem?

3. I really wanted to name Connor - Jack or Jackson. Ross wouldn't let me and now I'm glad. Not that those aren't nice names, but they're too popular right now. Connor has two Jackson's in his daycare.

4. You'll never find me in a pedestal tub (you know, the old cast iron ones with the feet). I'm scared of them and always think that they're going to fall through the floor. I also won't eat meat with bones in it and am terrified of ghosts. Once Ross told me that he saw a ghost in our house and I didn't sleep for a week.

5. I went to Baylor to be a marine biologist. But after realizing Waco was 300 miles from the coast, I changed my major to marketing, then entrepreneurship and finally MIS/International Business. I also minored in German after having lived in Vienna, Austria for a year after high school.

6. A few years ago, I had to go to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba several times for work. While I was there I stayed in a single wide trailer in a secure area located 200 feet from the back wall of the main prison. One night, my clients had a cookout and as we sat at a picnic table eating burgers from the grill, I felt something scratching my leg. I looked down to see a rat the size of a small house cat (the locals called them banana rats) begging for a bite of my burger. As everyone began laughing wildly, I remember screaming like a little girl and jumping on top of the table. It was so embarrassing and completely unforgettable.


Anonymous said...

Hey! I recognize #2 :)

Anonymous said...

Oh I love your quirks.....very funny! And I could so see you in each one, haha!

Anonymous said...

Hi Leia! Thank you so much for the sweet comments :) I am so happy to have you reading my blog - please comment any time!! I'll add yours to my daily check list as well. Mark has told me about you and your sweet family - Connor is adorable!!

Anonymous said...

Leia - I tagged you for a photo thing :) if you have time of course!

Maggie said...

That was hilarious! I am totally ADHD too! Exactly what you wrote is my life in a nut shell. Sad thing is my husband is the same way so he is too sidetracked himself to notice my craziness!!