Christmas has come early at the McKinnon household this year. For whatever reason, Connor's finally found his appetite!! After all we've been through over the last year, this is the best present any of us could have asked for.
Out of sheer desperation and against our doctor’s advice, Ross and I changed Connor's food last weekend. It's amazing how many types of formula we've tried with him. We started with breast milk, then our doctor advised us to switch to Similac Advanced, then Nutrimigen, then Allimentum, then Soy, then the crem-de-la-crem...Neocate. The doctor "prescribed" the Neocate when we left the hospital after being on the feeding tube. At the time, it was the only thing that was helping Connor gain weight. This formula is so 'elemental' that his body had to do little to no work to break it down and absorb it. We would have done anything at that point, as long as he was gaining weight - we were happy.
As a very shocking side note, the Neocate costs $150 per can! For those of you without kids, one can of formula usually lasts 2-3 days depending on how much your baby is eating. Since this was doctor 'prescribed' our insurance paid for the majority of it - thank God! Ok, back to the story...
Our problem was solved...right? Well not quite, Connor was severely constipated on this new formula. I won't go into details, but it was heartbreaking. We dealt with it as long as we could, but this weekend Ross and I had enough. So we decided to switch his food - back to the normal run-of-the-mill Similac.
The jury's still out on whether Connor will be able to gain weight on this new food, but so far his consumption has gone through the roof! Connor's only been on this formula for four days now, but he's had 31 ounces 3 out of the 4 days! That may not sound very impressive, but it's by far the most Connor's ever eaten in one day - ever. Not only that he's become easier to feed (the daycare ladies love this - we do too) and he seems to like the taste.
All I can say is parents really do know best! It takes us a while to gain the confidence but once we have it, we know just what to try and do to take care of our loved ones! You guys ROCK!!! I cannot wait to meet Connor!!! XOXO!
He is SO cute Leia!! We never made it to the $150 stuff but we did have to use the Nutramigen and I thought that stuff was expensive enough!! Not to mention, it smelled so bad! And I understand the constipation thing. Let's just say that one desperate day I spent time in a dressing room of a store and my Mom and I had to "help" guide some stuff out of Avery b/c she was in such pain! The sacrifices we make as Mom's is never-ending! Good call on the formula and going w/ you instincts!!
Well I didn't want to go into details but yes it was experienced with Kait, not Brooke b/c I learned and treated her early enough. We can just say green, pebbles, blood, pushing with "help" and lots of tears on mom and baby! It gets so much better! I promise =)
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