Monday, March 16, 2009

Thank God for Girlfriends

As you may have seen from my previous post, some girlfriends and I had a slumber party on Friday night. I can’t even begin to tell you how nice it was to have one night with NO responsibilities. No mouths to feed, no-one to clean up after, no crying baby or grumpy husband to care for.

Although Ross likes to picture it as one big lesbian lingerie pillow fight(nice try Ross), it was actually a very therapeutic girls night – full of wine, girl talk and lot’s of good laughs. Shari was sweet enough to host our sleep over at her house and went “above and beyond” by cooking us homemade waffles in the morning.

Laura flew in from Dallas and Dana drove in from Houston. So the 5 of us (Laura, Dana, Jessica, Shari and myself) headed over to the Cheesecake Factory for a late dinner. Then we decided to swing by Taco Cabana for some margarita’s. It was Shari’s bright idea to get them "to-go" (which they don’t allow). However, once she saw the counter clerk she decided that if she had to, she could beat him in a foot-race. So while Jessica and I were waiting in the get-away car, the rest of the ladies came running out, trying not to spill their drinks. Can you tell that most of them are from LA where drive-thru daiquiris shops are legal? They weren’t about to let some open container law get in their way. :)

It was such a fun night and I was sad the next morning when I had to leave my best girl-friends. I’m not sure if Ross will agree to it, but I think the girls should get together a little more often and celebrate – just being girls.

BTW – the reason that I said Ross might not agree - is because Connor chose to stay awake all night on Friday. He’s been doing this a little lately, and I tend to think it’s because he’s teething. Regardless Ross couldn’t get him to fall asleep until 4:00am. Out of pure desperation, he put Connor in bed with him and created a pillow fortress on the other side. He said Connor spent most of the night crawling all over him and having very in-depth conversations with the cats. At one point Ross woke up to see Connor – nose to nose with him and grinning from ear to ear. How can you be mad at that?


Maggie said... have NO idea the power of a good girlfriend. I say this and tell you to NEVER stop having these slumber parties and cherish this memory while working forward to create more!!

Unknown said...

You guys can have sleepovers whenever you want. Just throw in some golf outings and I'll be just fine!

Anonymous said...

Haha! I love and miss our sleepovers! Having girlfriends is such a sweet thing! I couldn't imagine my life without all of you and all of our memories! I know we have many more to live, laugh and cry through! I miss you girl! Love you!

PS-Make sure Ross has some gold outings....I love my Ross, he was our sweet driver when I came to Houston....even if not by choice, it was SUPER sweet =)