Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The clean plate club

At the advice of our Occupational Therapist, Connor's been trying all kinds of new tastes and food combinations. He's still not eating solid foods, but at least he's having fun experimenting.

Tonight's delicacy...watermelon, ground beef and ranch dressing – of course, the ranch dressing won out over all other.

Apparently tonight was eat without hands night. That's right Connor - that IS how a piggy eats.

Oh sure! You won't touch real food, but you'll gnaw on a plastic placemat. Seriously, I give up...


Maggie said...

He just has the sweetest face!!

Anonymous said...

Gosh, he and Brooke are just destined to be soul mates....seriously!!! She eats from the table with no hands too! Kills me! Obviously, they are on to something that we have no clue is like a hidden treasure chest. We scratch our heads now but will laugh much later...when it's their kids, hehe :)