With Connor I craved spicy food - the spicier the better. I even had a Thai waitress practically force me to sign a waiver when I said "extra spicy...go ahead lady give me your best shot". I think she assumed that my pansy American taste buds wouldn't hold up to Thai spices..."Stupid American". Either that or she thought that I would go into labor before I could pay my bill. Regardless, I earned my pseudo- Thai citizenship that day…well maybe not, but I like to think that I gained the respect of Thai nationals everywhere.
Ok…I’ve gotten off track. So Connor’s Occupational Therapist left us with some homework. She told us that for the next month, she wants Connor to play with his food (the messier the better) and to try everything in every combination - regardless of how it might taste to us. Ok, so here are some pictures from our little experiment…what is he eating you may wonder? Yup – pickles and cool whip (yuck), but strangely enough he loved it!
Ok...that's digusting but hey...he's eating!
These pictures are great!!! We need to catch up soon!!! Sorry I've a stranger lately!
Sounds good to me! I love pickles and could eat them for breakfast, lunch, dinner, desert and every snack in between. Whatever you want to put on it is fine with me :)
GO CONNOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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