The doctor asked us to come back in a month (sooner if Connor had another infection) and we would schedule the surgery. Within a few days of the appointment, Connor quickly began tugging on his ears, eating less and becoming fussy. All signs of an ear infection. So on Tuesday we took him back to Dr. Bonilla and scheduled the procedure.
Thursday morning (bright and early) we were back at the hospital praying that this would be the thing that would take away Connor's pain. The procedure was quick - he was in and out in 10 min. and we were back at home within the hour. Almost immediately, we saw a huge difference in Connor's mood. Not only that, but he was able to suck on a bottle without crying from the pain (incredible!). Since the surgery, he's been sleeping better, eating better, and will now respond to noises on both his left and right side.
Ross and I are very encouraged. We have Connor's 6 month doctor appointment on Wednesday and the follow up visit with our GI next week. My hope is that Connor will have improved so much that our pediatrician is satisfied and the GI will release us from his care.
Here are some interesting facts about ear infections/fluid - New studies show that children who are treated for re-occurring ear infections become more susceptible to antibiotic resistant strains of infection. Also, temporary hearing loss is a common symptom of fluid in the ears. Children who experience this will hear everything as if they were under water. If not addressed early, many children with fluid in their ears will need speech therapy to correct impairments.
All such great news EXCEPT for the fact that your poor little angel and his poor parents had to endure all of these tests and "failure to thrive" diagnosis along with other "theories". It is sad that so many children have chronic ear infections and instead of just watching his little ears, they made all of you go through this testing. I guess the good thing is that you know that his eyes, head, butt and everything other than his ears are in good shape! So happy for you Con-man and so happy for you Leia & Ross! Maybe now you can finally just enjoy being parents! Love you all!
I'm glad everything was successful! You won't regret your decision! Once we did the tubes, Avery has only been sick 1 time (got them at 10 months and she is almost 2 1/2) so I am one happy mom. We had her on every antibiotic you could give an infant and nothing penetrated her infections. I saw huge improvements immediatley and wished I would have followed my heart much earlier like you did. I'm glad things are looking up!!
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