I can't even begin to describe what we've all been through, but to give you some idea - once the doctor determined that Connor is suffering from malabsorption, we asked his professional option on the cause. He looked at us straight in the eyes and said that the most common cause of malabsorption was Cystic Fibrosis. Our hearts sank. Since we were there over a holiday weekend, there was no-one onsite who could perform the CF test until Tuesday and our genetics test results hadn't come back. So we sat - and waited. Fearing the worst.
Ironically Tuesday was both Ross's and my mom's birthday. The lab technican arrived at our room at 9:00am this morning and performed a sweat/chloride test on Connor. I was praying all day that he'd fail this test. Finally, around 3:00 in the afternoon, the nurse gave us the good news. Not only did Connor's Cystic Fibrosis test came back negative, we were also being released!!!
Connor had to come home with the feeding tube, but he's only on night feeds. Hopefully, the doctor will get to the bottom of why his body's not absorbing the food he's being given and the tube will become a thing of the past. Either way, we remain hopeful and have realized through this whole experience how special our little man is. He touched every person that he came into contact with at the hospital. From the nurses, to the speech therapist to the lab technican - I don't think they'll ever forget Connor and we'll never forget how helpful and kind everyone was to us during one of the toughest experiences of our life.
My special thanks to everyone who kept us in their thoughts and prayers. Without the support of our friends and families we would not have had the strenght to make it through. THANK YOU!!
Oh, I am so happy to see you guys going home, I JUST sent you a text. You guys have been in my thoughts and prayers all along and I am SOOOOO sorry to see the little tubes in Connor but know that it is for his own health and I truly think everything will be ok. As always, you have every bit of my love, support and anything else that I can offer. We love you guys soooo much!!!!
I am happy to hear that you are home! We have and will continue to pray for Connor and you during this time. Sending hugs your way!
This is GREAT news!! I know you are glad to be going home. I will keep up the prayers!!
I have been praying for precious Connor and both of you throughout the past couple of weeks. I am so happy to hear your good news. I am happy to know be able to follow his progress through your blog, Michael has been keeping me informed..as best he can understand...Hugs to all of you. Hopefully we will see yall soon!
Sarah Beth
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